Journal Policy

The policy of the journal is covered by the following topics:   

Open Access


The Iraqi Journal of chemical and petroleum engineering is an open access journal published under the auspices of the University of Baghdad/College of engineering. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published in this Journal accessible to everyone immediately after publication.



Adherence with publication ethics ensures the high quality of scientific publishing and confidence in published articles. Therefore, Iraqi journal of chemical and petroleum engineering ensured that all submitted papers adhere to ethical requirements to protect the integrity of the scholarly record.

  • All the authors should be sure to include only the relevant citations in their manuscript contain, Citations that are not relevant to the article are unaccepted.
  • All the submitted manuscripts are subjected to Turnitin detection for plagiarism. As a guide, no more than 20% similarity is accepted for submitted articles.
  • The journal committed that all information related to the papers are kept preserved and not disclosure until it confirmed by the authors and the editorial board.
  • Editorial board will not take advantage of the information included in rejected or unpublished papers.


 The editorial board of IJCPE recommends that authorship should be based on the following criteria:

Each author participated in the article should have a significant contribution in the article including article design and structure, experimental work, and data collection/analysis.

In addition, all authors have the right to check the final version of the manuscript to be published and approve the journal publication version. All part of work must be perfectly accurate, take into consideration the integrity of research aspects.


Conflict of interest

When submitting an article, the corresponding author should list the contact details of all co-authors. A notifying email will be sent by the editorial office to all the co-authors informing them that an article contains their names has submitted to the journal. The corresponding author should also suggest five names with their affiliations as potential reviewers. Each of the nominated names should be combined with full contact details including email, and phone number. This may help the editor to find the right reviewers for the article. Also, if there is any conflict of interest, the authors can specify any names that they don’t want the article to be sent to.

Reviewers should disclose any conflict of interest and if necessary, decline the review of any manuscript they perceive to have a conflict of interest. Editors should also decline from considering any manuscript that may have a conflict of interest. Such manuscripts will be re-assigned to another editor.

In addition, the authors should guarantee that the research is free of bias. If the research is funded by any organization, the authors should acknowledge the organization’s contribution.


Any author is in the right to have complaints about policies, procedures, or actions of the journal’s editorial members. The complaints are more welcome to us because they provide an opportunity and a spur for improvement, and of course, we will follow up the complaints as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate and send your complaint to the following addresses:

Mail Address

Iraq-Baghdad-P.O. Box 47024 Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Email Address

[email protected]

Complaints should include article title, authors name, article submitting date and complaint subject. All complaints transfer to the editorial board of Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. Requests will be considered within 3 working days.