APC waivers and discounts

APC waivers and discounts


  • The Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCP) may offer discounts or wavers to the accepted manuscripts submitted to the IJCP journal.
  • The waiver/discount can be only considered per the request of corresponding author to the journal.
  • The corresponding author must fill the below form and submit it to the official email of IJCP journal:

Waivers/discounts form:



IJCP journal Email: [email protected]


Important note:

  • The exemption or discount request must be submitted before starting the process of publishing the accepted manuscript in the journal.
  • The editorial board of IJCP journal will evaluate the waiver/discount request and inform the corresponding author the final result of his/her request.
  • The editorial board of IJCP have the full right to decline the request of the author and keep the APC for the accepted manuscript.