ethics of journal

Conflict of Interest

Authors: when submitting a manuscript to the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE), the corresponding author should list the contact details of all co-authors. A notifying email will be sent by the editorial office to all the co-authors informing them that an article contains their names has submitted to the journal. In addition, the authors should guarantee that the submitted manuscript is free of bias. If the research is funded by any organization, the authors should acknowledge the organization’s contribution.

Reviewers: reviewers should disclose any conflict of interest and if necessary, decline the review of any manuscript they perceive to have a conflict of interest.

Editors: Editors should also decline from considering any manuscript that may have a conflict of interest. Such manuscripts will be re-assigned to another editor.




Plagiarism is defined by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) as an attempt to misattribute original authorship or copying text, illustration, ideas, intellectual property or any materials that are related to other other(s). Most common plagiarism can be occurred when someone cut and paste a text have been without a clear attribution.

Also, re-use or recycling some parts from previous publication of author(s) is considered as a self-plagiarism. When author(s) re-use any published materials (whether from their own published materials or belong to others), appropriate citation and attribution is very important to avoid any misleading perception of unique contribution for readers.   

Therefore, all submitted manuscripts to Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) must adhere to ethical requirements to protect the integrity of the scholarly record.

IJCPE is used Turnitin software to detect the similarity index of all submitted manuscripts to the journal. As a guide, no more than 20% similarity is accepted for submitted articles.

The journal committed that all information related to the papers are kept preserved and not disclosure until it confirmed by the authors and the editorial board.

Editorial board will not take advantage of the information included in rejected or unpublished papers.


Duplicate Publication / Submission

Any document submitted to the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE), must be original and not previously published for publication elsewhere (Duplicate Submission). Same rule applies for the document that was submitted elsewhere while the same document is under consideration of IJCPE (Duplicate Submission).



Author(s) must cite a relevant and appropriate literature in the manuscript. The excessive and unnecessary self citations are not acceptable for manuscripts what were submitted to the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE). Manipulation of citations will lead to the rejection of submitted manuscript to IJCPE, and sometimes it may be reported to the institutions of author(s). Also, any attempts by manuscript’s editors or reviewer(s) to encourage such above practices must be immediately reported to the publisher of IJCPE.

Therefore, IJCPE encourage all the authors before submitting their manuscripts to adhere to ethical requirements to protect the integrity of the scholarly record. All the authors should be sure to include only the relevant citations in their manuscripts, excessive self-citation or irrelevant citations are unaccepted in IJCPE.



Authors who published document(s) in the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) must promptly inform the editor-in-chief of IJCPE if they they found any part that requires immediate correcting. Below are the cases of corrections that may conducted in IJCPE:

Before publishing: The editor(s) of Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) sends a proof (PDF) of the accepted manuscript to the  corresponding author, this is for final check from author(s) before proceeding with the publication process. The author(s) can inform the editor of IJCPE in case there are any additional corrections/amendments required on the accepted manuscript.

Post Publishing: Editorial board of IJCPE encourage all authors to conduct the corrections before publication. However, IJCPE editor(s) will take into consideration the requests of corrections from corresponding authors for any published document in case they will seriously affect the scientific content of the published document.



Author(s) may request (in some cases) manuscript withdrawl from the publication process of the the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) before publication. Also, the withdrawal request may made as the manuscript was published in only few days in the IJCPE.

However, this kind of request will cause a waste of time of the editorial board and the reviewers of IJCPE.

The formal withdrawl request must be made by the Corresponding Author of the paper using the withdrawal template of IJCPE [Click here]. The Corresponding Author must clearly mention the reason of withdrawl, unless his/her request will not be considered by IJCPE editorial board.



Retraction is a process by which any published materials/document in any journal is identified for being flawed to the extent that their findings are no longer be relied on. Retracted documents are probably not removed from the journal/publisher repository but labeled as a retracted paper.

However, the published document (in some cases) may be required to remove from the journal repository in case it is violates personal privacy, defamatory, or might contain a serious health risk to the general public, please visit COPE Retraction Guidelines.

The retraction process can be applied by the editor(s) of a IJCPE journal and sometimes by the author(s) of the papers or even by the institution(s) of the author(s).