Calibrating the Reservoir Model of the Garraf Oil Field
History matching, reservoir model, Garraf oil field, Mishrif reservoir, dynamic modelAbstract
History matching is a significant stage in reservoir modeling for evaluating past reservoir performance and predicting future behavior. This paper is primarily focused on the calibration of the dynamic reservoir model for the Meshrif formation, which is the main reservoir in the Garraf oilfield. A full-field reservoir model with 110 producing wells is constructed using a comprehensive dataset that includes geological, pressure-volume-temperature (PVT), and rock property information. The resulting 3D geologic model provides detailed information on water saturation, permeability, porosity, and net thickness to gross thickness for each grid cell, and forms the basis for constructing the dynamic reservoir model. The dynamic reservoir model integrates a variety of inputs, including well position and trajectory, well completion data, initial reservoir condition, and daily production/injection rates. The validation process involves comparing the original oil reserve derived from the geological model with the one obtained from the dynamic reservoir model. To achieve an accurate history matching, the calibration process has been performed by aligning observed data with simulation results. This involves focusing on production/injection data for each well and pressure measurements for selected wells. Notably, horizontal permeability is identified as a critical parameter in this study, which is adjusted iteratively to achieve a robust match for individual wells and the entire field. Thus, Successful calibration facilitates the subsequent stage and future scenarios allowing for the exploration of different conditions to predict the performance of the Garraf oilfield. This comprehensive approach improves the reliability of reservoir predictions, facilitating well-informed decision-making in reservoir management.
Received on 20/01/2023
Received in Revised Form on 11/03/2023
Accepted on 11/03/2023
Published on 30/12/2023
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