Comparison Different Techniques of Optimum Location for Infill Well Drilling
Infill drilling, well placement optimization, Quantifying uncertainty in infill well placementAbstract
Increasing oil production from a reservoir can be achieved by decreasing the distance between the injector and the producer through a process known as infill drilling, which involves a pattern water flood. The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the optimal infill well location and the research and applications available to enhance the oil recovery factor, leading to increased economic profits. one effective empirical approach used in this study is based on decline curve analysis, which analyzes the production history of the well to determine the final economic recovery. Additionally, a numerical method that combines numerical simulation and optimization techniques has been proven to be successful in determining optimal infill drilling locations. The research results show that the volumetric computation of oil in place is a useful method for estimating the number of infill wells needed, but it does not consider heterogeneity and continuity. On the other hand, the numerical simulation and optimization techniques can quantify the remaining mobile oil post-infill drilling and establish optimal pattern configurations for maximum recovery at their centers.
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