Gas Lift Optimization for Zubair Oil Field Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Numerical Simulation: Feasibility Study
Gas Lift Optimization; Gas Lift; Numerical Simulation; Genetic Algorithms; Zubair Oil FieldAbstract
The gas-lift method is crucial for maintaining oil production, particularly from an established field when the natural energy of the reservoirs is depleted. To maximize oil production, a major field's gas injection rate must be distributed as efficiently as possible across its gas-lift network system. Common gas-lift optimization techniques may lose their effectiveness and become unable to replicate the gas-lift optimum in a large network system due to problems with multi-objective, multi-constrained & restricted gas injection rate distribution. The main objective of the research is to determine the possibility of using the genetic algorithm (GA) technique to achieve the optimum distribution for the continuous gas-lift injection flows in the structure of the network of Zubair, oil field with 10 gas-lift injected wells. This will be done through numerical simulation and modeling studies. The overall enhancement of the filed production rate is found to have increased from 15767 STB/day to 19847 STB/day. The well's reservoir pressure and water cut sensitivity studies are carried out to study the possible impacts of these elements upon the well and its efficiency through the course of the field. Our understanding of the potential benefits of utilizing gas lift techniques in a field from a technical and economical point of view is deepened by the use of examples from economic analysis. Furthermore, even though the idea of employing GA in this manner is not new, this work discusses GA-based optimization methodologies for increasing the oil production rate by using gas lifting in a Zubair oilfield. In order to assign gas injection rates to specific wells in a network throughout the field using limited gas injection rates, the model for optimization will be laid out step-by-step making it simple to understand and employ as a guide, especially for the front-line production technicians involved in the development and design of gas-lift systems.
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