Pattern recognition approach (PRA) for identifying oil reservoir lithology of Camaal oil field, Yemen


  • Ghareb Hamada Oil & Gas Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Abdelrigeeb Al-Gathe Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum, University of Hadhramout, Al-Mukulla, Yemen
  • Abbas Al-khudafia Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum, University of Hadhramout, Al-Mukulla, Yemen



Artificial neural network; reservoir lithology; artificial model; rock types; lithology identification


   The accurate determination of reservoir lithology remains a challenge in petroleum engineering. There are some conventional techniques available to determine the lithology. However, the application of those techniques has been long and complex. So, the main goal of this study is to simplify the identification of reservoir lithology. This paper presents a Pattern Recognition Approach (PRA) to identify the reservoir lithology simply and accurately. It is type of artificial neural network. Four wells from the Camaal Field were chosen to develop this approach. Around 32400 data points from the previous wells were digitized. The PRA approach used depth, gamma ray, lithology, sonic, neutron, and density logs as inputs. The model classifies lithology into permeable and impermeable rocks, further categorizing them into clastic and carbonate rocks, and subsequently into specific types into sand, sandstone, dolomite and limestone. The results show that the proposed approach provides a suitable prediction of lithology with higher accuracy compared with actual lithology. The model demonstrates high accuracy rates in identifying various lithologies, with overall accuracies of 76.2% for permeable/impermeable rocks, 94.9 for clastic/carbonate rocks, 86.2% for sand/sandstone, and 92.8% for dolomite/limestone.


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How to Cite

Hamada, G., Al-Gathe, A., & Al-khudafia, A. (2024). Pattern recognition approach (PRA) for identifying oil reservoir lithology of Camaal oil field, Yemen. Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 25(3), 43-49.

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