The Control of Non Isothermal CSTR Using Different Controller Strategies
Non isothermal CSTR, Ziegler –Nichols reaction curve, IMC control and Feed forward control.Abstract
In all process industries, the process variables like flow, pressure, level, concentration
and temperature are the main parameters that need to be controlled in both set point
and load changes.
A control system of propylene glycol production in a non isothermal (CSTR) was
developed in this work where the dynamic and control system based on basic mass
and energy balance were carried out.
Inlet concentration and temperature are the two disturbances, while the inlet
volumetric flow rate and the coolant temperature are the two manipulations. The
objective is to maintain constant temperature and concentration within the CSTR.
A dynamic model for non isothermal CSTR is described by a first order plus dead
time (FOPDT).
The conventional PI and PID control were studied and the tuning of control
parameters was found by Ziegler-Nichols reaction curve tuning method to find the
best values of proportional gain (Kc), integral time ( I) and derivative time ( D).
The conventional controller tuning is compared with IMC techniques in this work and
it was found that the Ziegler –Nichols controller provides the best control for the
disturbance and the worst for the set-point change, while the IMC controller results
show satisfactory set-point responses but sluggish disturbance responses because the
approximate FOPTD model has relatively small time delay.
Feedforward and feedforward combined with feedback control systems were used as
another strategy to compare with above strategies. Feedforward control provides a
better response to disturbance rejection than feedback control with a steady state
deviation (offset). Thus, a combined feedforward-feedback control system is preferred
in practice where feedforward control is used to reduce the effects of measurable
disturbances, while feedback trim compensates for inaccuracies in the process model,
measurement error, and unmeasured disturbances. Also the deviation (offset) in
feedforward control was eliminated.

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