Prevention of Scale Formation in Heat Exchanger Pipes by Using Magnetic Field
scale formation, heat exchanger.Abstract
The possibility of using the magnetic field technique in prevention of forming scales in heat exchangers pipes using
hard water in heat transfer processes, also the studying the effective and controllable parameters on the mechanism of
scale formation.
The new designed heat exchanger experimental system was used after carrying out the basic process designs of the
system. This system was used to study the effect of the temperature (40-90 °C) and water flow rate (0.6-1.2 L/min) on
the total hardness with time as a function of precipitation of hardness salts from water and scale formation.
Different magnetic field designs in the heat exchanger experimental system were used to study the effect of magnetic
field design and strength (200-500 Gauss) on the total hardness with time as a function of precipitation of hardness salts
from water and scale formation.
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