Study the Optimization of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment by Successive Electrocoagulation and Electro-oxidation Systems
Petroleum, refinery wastewater, Electrocoagulation, Electro-oxidation, Successive, Taguchi methodAbstract
In this study, successive electrocoagulation (EC) and electro-oxidation (EO) processes were used to minimize some of the major pollutants in real wastewater, such as organics (detected by chemical oxygen demand (COD)), and turbidity. The wastewater utilized in the present study was collected from the Midland Refinery Company in Baghdad-Iraq. The performance of the successive batch EC-EO processes was studied by utilizing Graphite and Aluminum (Al) as monopolar anode electrodes and stainless steel ( as the cathode. The Taguchi experimental design approach was used to attain the best experimental conditions for COD reduction as a major response. Starting from chemical oxygen demand COD of (600 ppm), the effects of current density (C.D.) (10- 20 mA/cm2), pH (4- 10), time (2– 4 h), and NaCl concentration (1.5- 2.5 g/l) on the efficiency of COD reduction were examined. The results indicated that COD reduction increased with increasing C.D., NaCl conc., and electrolysis time and increased exponentially at pH (4). The best conditions for the treatment of this wastewater were: C.D. (20 mA/cm2), pH (4), time (4 h), and NaCl conc. (2.5 g/l). At these conditions, approximately 98.12 % of COD reduction was achieved with electrical energy consumption (ENC) of about 62.04 kWh/m3. The result of analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the C.D. and pH have a higher influence on the performance of organics removal, while the time and NaCl conc. have a minor impact on COD Re%.
Received on 19/02/2022
Accepted on 08/03/2022
Published on 30/03/2022
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