Maximizing Production Profits: Optimizing Gas Lift Design in the Halfaya Oil Field
Gas lifting optimization, Net Profit, Halfaya Oil Field, Production Enhancement, MATLAB optimizerAbstract
Gas lift is one of the most common artificial lift methods which is effectively utilized in the oil industry for enhancing production. However, proper gas allocation into wells can be challenging due to various limitations such as shortage in injected gas and economic considerations. Therefore, the current research is conducted to address the critical requirement to effectively distribute gas to maximize profits in the Halfaya Oil Field- Mishrif formation. Continuous gas lift is one of the most commonly used artificial lift methods. To enhance production rate, a sufficient amount of gas is injected into the production tubing at specific depths to reduce the liquid column pressure as each well has an optimal point for production in an oil reservoir. On the other hand, constraints of gas availability restrict achieving the optimal state of production. Such restrictions combined with economic limitations including high gas prices and compression costs, emphasized the necessity for optimal methodology to enhance oil production. Aside from the importance of the Halfaya oil field, there are limited relevant studies on artificial lifting methods specifically associated with the gas-lifting method used in this paper. Thus, the purpose of the current investigation is to propose a well-tested gas lifting design for oil production improvement. The approach combines the skill of the fmincon function built in MATLAB as an optimizer and the PIPESIM network model to create gas lift performance curves. This resulted in an oil production rate of 18860 STB/d, with a gas lift rate of 9.42 mmscf/d. Establishing such a systematic optimization process can manage the challenges of gas allocation in the Halfaya Oil Field towards maximizing production rates and ultimately increasing net profits.
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