Optimization of Gas Lifting Design in Mishrif Formation of Halfaya Oil Field
Gas lift, Optimization, genetic algorithm, PIPESIM, Halfaya oil field, Mishrif formationAbstract
The optimization of artificial gas lift techniques plays a crucial role in the advancement of oil field development. This study focuses on investigating the impact of gas lift design and optimization on production outcomes within the Mishrif formation of the Halfaya oil field. A comprehensive production network nodal analysis model was formulated using a PIPESIM Optimizer-based Genetic Algorithm and meticulously calibrated utilizing field-collected data from a network comprising seven wells. This well group encompasses three directional wells currently employing gas lift and four naturally producing vertical wells. To augment productivity and optimize network performance, a novel gas lift design strategy was proposed. The optimization of gas allocation was executed to maximize oil production rates while minimizing the injected gas volume, thus achieving optimal oil production levels at the most effective gas injection volume for the designated network. The utilization of the PIPESIM Optimizer, founded on genetic algorithm principles, facilitated the attainment of these optimal parameters. The culmination of this study yielded an optimal oil production rate of 18,814 STB/d, accompanied by a gas lift injection rate of 7.56 MMscf/d. This research underscores the significance of strategic gas lift design and optimization in enhancing oil recovery and operational efficiency in complex reservoir systems like the Mishrif formation within the Halfaya oil field.
Received on 05/10/2022
Received in Revised Form on 26/02/2023
Accepted on 27/02/2023
Published on 30/09/2023
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