Comparative Study between Different Oil Production Enhancement Scenarios in an Iraqi Tight Oil Reservoir
hydraulic fracturing; horizontal wells; stimulation; oil recovery; Saadi reservoirAbstract
This paper presents a comparative study between different oil production enhancement scenarios in the Saadi tight oil reservoir located in the Halfaya Iraqi oil field. The reservoir exhibits poor petrophysical characteristics, including medium pore size, low permeability (reaching zero in some areas), and high porosity of up to 25%. Previous stimulation techniques such as acid fracturing and matrix acidizing have yielded low oil production in this reservoir. Therefore, the feasibility of hydraulic fracturing stimulation and/or horizontal well drilling scenarios was assessed to increase the production rate. While horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can improve well performance, they come with high costs, often accounting for up to 100% of the total well cost. To ensure economically viable flow rates and achieve maximum ultimate oil recovery, a technical and economic comparative study was conducted. The results indicate that hydraulic fracturing offers promising outcomes, with a total oil production of 153,816 Mbbl over 30 years from 25 fractured wells, resulting in a final Net Present Value (NPV) of 3,583.32 MM$.
In contrast, the planned two horizontal wells exhibit lower eventual production and NPV compared to the majority of fractured wells. However, the 2000 m lateral section of well HF00Y-S00YH shows a slightly higher NPV. Considering the operational benefits and profitability, hydraulic fracturing should be seriously considered for the further development of the Saadi reservoir.
This comparative study provides valuable insights into the most effective approach for enhancing oil production in tight reservoirs like Saadi, balancing the technical feasibility and economic viability of different stimulation scenarios. The findings can guide decision-making processes and contribute to maximizing oil recovery in similar challenging reservoirs.
Received on 05/04/2023
Received in Revised Form on 28/04/2023
Accepted on 06/05/2023
Published on 30/06/2023
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