Analytical and descriptive study of the production behavior for pilot multi-stages hydraulic fracturing wells in southeast Iraq


  • Ameer H. Hashim Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Mohammed S. Al-Jawad Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq



Hydraulic fracture optimization; nodal analysis; tight reservoir


   The hydraulic fracturing technique is a widely used technique worldwide, making it interesting to study. This technique was applied for the first time in Iraq on a tight carbonate reservoir in the Halfaya oil field. In this field, the oil production rates, and flowing pressure were low during production periods reflecting a problem for the development plan designed to increase production using a hydraulic fracture technique.  Initially, the hydraulic fracture well showed high oil-producing rates, but then, quickly experienced a high decline failing to keep a stable production rate. To address this problem, it is important to describe and analyze the behavior of pilot hydraulic fracturing wells during their production period, study the inflow performance relationship (IPR), and determine the optimum wellhead pressure above the bubble point pressure (Pb) to avoid loss of lifting energy. Furthermore, it identifies the allowable flow rate to keep stable production, investigates the effect of selecting internal tubing size, and reveals a future production procedure for hydraulic fracture wells.

   This study reveals that the transient inflow performance relationship observed in the production history of hydraulic fracture well in the tight carbonate reservoir and traditional inflow performance relationship concepts are not applicable. The optimum wellhead pressure for stability in production for Wells w-5 and w-55 is determined to be 750 and 580 psi with optimum rates of 800 and 450 Bbl/D, respectively. The results also showed that producing at a high flow rate may cause a depletion in the fracture potential storage without giving an opportunity for a reservoir to compensate for the produced fluid into fracturing potential storage. The internal tubing size has a passive effect on the hydraulic fracture well, as an increase in size causes an unstable flow zone. Lastly, future production procedures emphasize keeping wellhead pressures stable or increasing them if they drop. This can be accomplished by re-adjusting the choke size according to any changes observed.


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How to Cite

Hashim, A. H., & Al-Jawad, M. S. (2024). Analytical and descriptive study of the production behavior for pilot multi-stages hydraulic fracturing wells in southeast Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 25(3), 77-86.

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